Experience a vast network of beautiful trails in Caledon.

About Trails in Caledon

The Trans Canada Trail consists of more than 24,000 kilometres of multi-use trails, linking Canada from the Atlantic to the Pacific to the Arctic Oceans. The Trans Canada Trail is a network of trails with each section developed, owned and managed at the local level by trail groups, conservation authorities and different levels of government. The Trail preserves green spaces, promotes conservation and protects the environment while allowing people the opportunity to be active and enjoy the distinct features and unique landscapes in each region that make up The Trans Canada Trail. For more information visit, https://tctrail.ca/

The Caledon Trailway follows an old rail line built-in 1877 by the Hamilton and Northwestern Railway to move goods and passengers between Hamilton and Barrie. The rail line was decommissioned in the early 1980s. In 1995 the Trailway became the first official section of the Trans Canada Trail. Along this multi-use, 35.2 km gravel trail, you can see rolling hills, farm fields, woodlots and beaver dams. The trail crosses the deep Humber River Valley, west of Palgrave, the Credit River near Inglewood and several smaller creeks. It is also part of the Greenbelt Route and the only off-road section of the northern part of this 475 km provincial cycling route. Canada’s first Trans Canada Trail Pavilion is in Caledon East, set in a beautiful park with flowerbeds, a pond and an arboretum. The Pavilion shares space with Caledon’s Walk of Fame, where past and present residents who have made an impact locally, nationally and internationally are honoured. The Caledon Trailway connects with the Elora-Cataract Trailway, also part of the Trans Canada Trail, via the on-road Trail Link.

The Bruce Trail is Canada’s oldest and longest footpath. It provides continuous public access to the Niagara Escarpment, a UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve, and only eighteen such reserves in Canada. The Bruce Trail Conservancy is committed to establishing a conservation corridor containing a public footpath along the Escarpment to protect the natural ecosystem and promote responsible public access, preserving a ribbon of wilderness for everyone forever. for more information, visit brucetrail.org

The Greenbelt’s 475 km signed cycling route explores natural spaces and countryside along existing road and trail infrastructure from Northumberland to Niagara. It connects with the Great Lakes Waterfront Trail waterfronttrail.org to form a cycling beltway through the natural beauty surrounding Canada’s most densely populated region. For more information, visit greenbelt.ca

The Humber Valley Heritage Trail was built and is maintained by community volunteers through an agreement with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. There are many interesting natural and cultural features along the 15 km route between the north end, where it connects with the Caledon Trailway in Albion Hills Conservation Area and Bolton. The trail traverses the rolling Oak Ridges Moraine and winds through old fields, meadows, lowland cedar groves, mature upland maple forests and an ancient Hemlock grove before reaching Bolton. A detailed map and information about the trail are available at humbertrail.org.
In addition to the many incredible trails that weave throughout our town borders and beyond, Caledon is also home to an amazing array of conservation areas and major parks. Whether it's fishing, hiking, mountain biking, sightseeing or winter sport you seek, be sure to visit the trails within the following gems:
Albion Hills Conservation Area
Alton Grange
Belfountain Conservation Area*
Forks of the Credit Provincial Park
Glen Haffy Conservation Park
Ken Whillans Resource Management Area*
Terra Cotta Conservation Area
Upper Credit Conservation Area
*seasonal operation - confirm hours on park website
On trails in Caledon you might encounter pedestrians, horsebackriders, cyclists or cross-country skiers.
- Cyclists must give pedestrians the right of way.
- Pedestrians and cyclists must yield to equestrians.
- Keep all pets leashed. Stoop & scoop and carry out litter.
- Park only in designated parking areas.
- Keep right – pass left and use caution at road crossings.
- Remain on the marked trail unless using a designated side trail - respect private property.
- Always signal before turning and stopping. Provide audible warning when approaching others (horn, bell, voice).
- Trails are not maintained in winter.
- Equestrians - refrain from using the Trailway in early spring to prevent trail damage.
- No motorized vehicles are allowed on trails (except mobility-assist devices).
- Leave wildflowers, vegetation and wildlife undisturbed - “take only photos, leave only footprints”.