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Before you go

To make the most of your visit to Caledon please keep the following in mind when planning your trip.

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Plan ahead.

Caledon’s parks and conservation areas often require advance booking. Once you know where you’d like to explore, visit, or for details!

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Consider transportation.

Street parking is limited in Caledon. Please plan your trip around designated parking amenities, especially near parks, conservation areas, or trails.

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Keep Caledon beautiful.

Caledon’s trailheads and parks are equipped with waste bins. We kindly ask that visitors put garbage where it belongs to protect our ecosystems and wildlife.

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Respect private property

Caledon's scenic landscape makes almost anywhere a beautiful viewpoint! Please exercise caution and refrain from trespassing on private property.

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Watch your surroundings.

Caledonians come in all forms. Please look out for those traveling by foot, wheels, paws, or hooves!